Globalese 3.11.3 released


An auxiliary corpus in an engine could not be changed into a master corpus, or vice versa.Certain types of TBX files could not be uploaded.Fixed recasing issues.Fixed the parsing of heavily tagged TMX translation units.The Corpus > Preview tab only showed the first tag...

Globalese 3.11.2 released

Minor improvements

Improved user experience when importing project files from a CAT tool server.Projects that are linked to a project on a CAT tool server and project files imported from a CAT tool server will have an icon to indicate the association.Faster navigation between the...

Globalese 3.11.1 released


Training jobs could get stuck in "finishing" status on the dispatcher.Language filters not working when importing corpora from Memsource.

Minor improvements

The Dashboard now displays training and translation jobs in starting order.Tab-/comma-/semicolon-separated corpora containing not exactly 2 columns are rejected on upload.More specific error messages...

Globalese 3.10.2 released


Translation failed if a source segment contained three pipe characters in succession.Casing errors when translating to/from Japanese.Uploading a TSV file as corpus threw an error.

Minor improvements

Corpora imported from CAT tool servers using one of our connectors are marked with the icon of...

Globalese 3.10.1 released


Wordbee files were pre-translated incorrectly: two <target> elements were inserted into each translated segment.The PUT /v2.1/corpora/{id} API endpoint failed if the uploaded corpus had already been uploaded once.When importing translation memories from Smartcat, all TMs are now listed instead of only a maximum of...

Globalese 3.10 released

What's new

Aggregated usage statistics per month and per engine are now available to administrators. Read more here.Corpora and project listings are now paginated.


Corpora imported from CAT tool servers using one of our connectors will be marked with the icon of the...

Globalese 3.9.2 released

New functionality

Stock engine language combinations can now be queried through the API.


URL parsing and translating issues.Not all Memsource translation memories were displayed when retrieving them as corpora.Users with only engine managing permissions could not display the names of projects used by an...

Globalese 3.9.1 released


Users with only project access in a group could not see the group a project belongs to.Not all Memsource TMs were listed when retrieving translation memories from Memsource.Project creator user missing from project Log page.When editing an engine, corpora were not sorted alphabetically (this...

Globalese 3.9 released

What's new

We've introduced a quick training option to save training time where engines receive minor updates, and therefore don’t need to be fully retrained. Read more about this new functionality here.

Notable fixes

Spacing issues after tags followed by punctuation marks.Unicode characters...