
Globalese 2.4.2 released

Globalese 2.4.2 fixes the following issues: The Evaluate button did not appear on the Evaluation tab of translation files, if there was at least one evaluation file uploaded. Translation errors. Evaluation errors.

Globalese 2.4.1 released

Globalese 2.4.1 fixes the following issues: Issues when translating an individual file within a project. Problems when testing an engine with an asset.

Globalese 2.4 released

Globalese 2.4 offers the following enhancements: Tuning and translation times are reduced. Idiom WorldServer XLF and XLZ files are now supported as resources and assets.

Globalese 2.3.4 released

Globalese 2.3.4 fixes the following issues: Not getting a result after testing an engine. Problems when testing an engine with a TMX file. Engine calibration issues. Wrong tokenization of Japanese brackets.

Globalese 2.3.3 released

Globalese 2.3.3 fixes the following issues: The F-measure evaluation sometimes produced a score higher than 100%. Tuning issues.

Globalese 2.3.2 released

Globalese 2.3.2 fixes the following issues: "Required parameters missing" error when creating a project through the API. Tuning errors. Errors when trying to delete certain engines. Importing TMX/TBX files with underscores (such as "zh_TW") in the language codes.

Globalese 2.3.1 released

Globalese 2.3.1 fixes the following issues: If a segment contains capital letters only, it was converted into lowercase in the translation. The Delete selected button could not be activated when navigating to the Asset tab of an engine from another tab. Table row highlighting fixed in asset and...

Globalese 2.3 released

New features Traditional Chinese is now supported. Improvements Improved learning and translation to and from German. Recycled post-edited files are filtered better, so they provide a better base for retraining engines. Improved quality estimation models. Fixes When uploading translation/evaluation files in a zip archive, a wrong file in the package will not...

Globalese 2.2.4 released

Globalese 2.2.4 fixes the following issues: The wordcount of files with tags separating words without spaces was incorrect. Translating Memsource .mxliff files with invalid control characters resulted in an error. Improved tag cleaning in uploaded assets. In certain cases, engine testing did not finish successfully.